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Living a successful life

Living a successful life

Living a successful life

There are times when life WILL be HARD, and times when we are our own worst enemy. The decisions we make can change the outcome of our life.   A simple decision can have consequences we never thought about. 

There are so many decisions we have to make and for most of them we don't know the future of the decision.  When you are young some of the decisions are:  who you are going to hang out with and whether you are going to work hard at school.  As you get older and grow into adolescence there is that new sense of desire you have never felt before.  Then you meet someone and the hormones fire up.  How far is too far?  What are the consequences of my actions?   

Now you have baggage from childhood and adolescence.  The mistakes you have made or the situations you have had to live through have an effect on your life.  A decision about who to date can bring a life you never would have wished for anyone or it can be an amazing adventure, but how do you know?

You are not alone billions of people before you have wondered the same and made the same mistakes.   For as long as we have existed we've been troubled by the decisions we make.  In the Bible Paul says; "Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death?"  Romans 7:24 NLT

The problem is you don’t know the future of decisions you make. Two things will help. First know the one who knows the future. He can walk with you through this life guiding you. 

God says:  "Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"

Even with Jesus at your side you will make mistakes. God called King David from the Bible  a man after my own heart yet he saw a beautiful married women, had her brought to him where he rapped her and then killed her husband. 

Yes you are going to make mistakes but God will forgive you if you ask him to, so don't let your mistakes ruin your life.  God has forgiven you, now forgive yourself.

Another thing you can do is to gain wisdom to make wise decisions. To that end I recommend two resources. 

First the Bible, in particular the book of Proverbs provides wisdom in making decisions. 

The second thing I have found helpful are messages by Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback church. His messages are not preaching in the traditional sense but guidance on how to live our lives. 

Over the years he has covered so many topics about living life.   I’ll put some here but you can head over to YouTube type in Rick Warren and the subject for more. 

Defeating Discouragement

Choosing Which doors you will walk through

Making the most of opportunities

 How God Changes Us

Transformed: How to face the fears that ruin relationships

When you feel like giving up

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